Gevey Turbo SIM Supreme for iPhone 4

Gevey Turbo SIM Supreme for iPhone 4
Gevey Turbo SIM Supreme for iPhone 4
Gevey Turbo SIM Supreme for iPhone 4
Gevey Turbo SIM Supreme for iPhone 4, Img
Gevey Turbo SIM Supreme for iPhone 4
Gevey Turbo SIM Supreme for iPhone 4, Img 1

Gevey Turbo SIM Supreme for iPhone 4

Gevey Turbo SIM Supreme for iPhone 4

With the Gervey Turbo Sim you will be able to unlock your iPhone 4 in a quick way (less than 5 minutes) and efective. With it you won't need to make the famous jailbreak to your Apple gadget. Set it in your SIM and in a few minutes it will be working in your unlocked phone, and you won't lose the guarantee.


  • It does not require jailbreak
  • It does not break the guaratee
  • Compatible with the versions from IOS since 4.0 till 4.33
  • Compatible with the quickest versions of Baseband 1.59/2.10/3.10.1/4.10/4.10.1.
  • Quick and simple installation


We suggest before we starts this proccess to desactivate the PIN code, with it we will make this faster.

  1. we put the SIM card with Gevey Turbo SIM.
  2. We turn on the iPhone and we unlock the screen
  3. After  5 seconds will appear the Gevey menu with a text, we press accept.
  4. After a few seconds the cover will change from "Without service" to have a bar of cover.
  5. We must call the 112 and after two seconds we put down
  6. Open the adjusts menu and activate the plane mode, we wait 1 second and we desactivate it
  7. We open once again the adjust menú and we repeat  the previous stp, with the same break of time.
  8. It should begin to work.

Demo video:



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